Saturday, October 7, 2017

Kilbourne Students

We had a few morning events to highlight students this week that were great experiences.

On Thursday morning we hosted a breakfast for students who are new to the district to welcome them to the Worthington Kilbourne High School community.  We wanted to take the opportunity to check in on how the new students are adjusting to life at WKHS and hear more about where they moved here from as well as what they like or dislike.  It was a great way to start the day!

WKHS has about 70 students who are new to the district.  Many of them are from within Ohio, but we also have new students from a range of countries across the world.  Each of these students brings knowledge of their past communities that will strengthen and enrich our school.

I was impressed by how many of the students are already involved in activities - football, soccer, cross country, band, and choir were just a few I heard mentioned and many of the students are looking forward to joining sports or clubs as the year continues.  Some students commented on the differences in food at WKHS compared to their old schools with some feeling it was better and some saying it was worse.  We heard reflections about how much natural light there is in the building, how thankful they are for the freedoms and trust that we put in students, and also the helpfulness of students and staff members.

I am thankful to come to work at WKHS every day and as I talked with these newest Kilbourne Wolves, I was excited that they are a part of our school because they have so much to contribute and I was overwhelmed with pride - not only in the way that these students have overcome the challenges involved with adjusting to a new school, but also with pride for how the students and staff have welcomed these new students.  If you haven't had a chance to meet any of the new students - try to take a moment and find one of them in your classes, lunch, sports, or clubs and welcome them to WKHS.

On Friday morning the first ceremony of the year to honor Kilbourne Students of the Month was held.  Students are nominated by teachers to receive the recognition as being a Student of the Month in honor of their outstanding academic commitment, their leadership, the personal effort, the compassion they have shown, or their dedication to being a positive presence in the school community.
Three of "my" students were among those being recognized.  A huge congratulations to (L to R): Ifeanyi Anaraodo, Markell Crockett and Quentin Bartram.  I am proud of all of you!

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