Wednesday, September 27, 2017

We Need Others

We are not meant to live in isolation.  Each of us has our own individual talents and strengths, but no matter what, we need other people.  We need people to encourage us when we are down, to listen when we are lonely, to help us when we struggle, and to celebrate with us when we succeed.  

Thankfully, at WKHS we have an incredibly supportive community who jumps at the opportunity to help others.  This always stands out the most when we pay attention to the big events or when there is some type of sad situation and people rally to support those impacted.  But what I believe is even more impactful are all of the consistent small ways that people help one another on a daily basis.  I realize that holding a door open, offering a smile to someone in the hall, pausing to ask how someone else is doing, or offering a quick congratulatory message may not seem glamorous, but to me, THOSE are the moments that stick with you and create a lasting difference.  It never ceases to inspire me when I see these little acts of kindness in action and it makes me thankful to work in a place where people care for each other.

So here is my challenge for you... over the next few days, try to find one of those little ways to help brighten the day of someone around you!  It will certainly make a positive impression on someone else, but who knows, you just might benefit from it too.

There are so many examples of the ways you have blessed my life and I am grateful for you all.  And, if you are the type of person who likes trying to help others around you, don't forget that WKHS has lots of different clubs and groups that you can get involved with whose purpose is to help others.

For now though, thank you again for touching my life and please take the challenge and try to do something little to find one way to help brighten the day of someone around you!

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