Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Senior College Application Basics

There are some basic questions that are frequently asked in college applications and yet many times students and parents don't know the answers.  Since I have had quite a few individuals asking me these questions, I figured it would be helpful if I covered a few of those basic answers in case you come across them too when you are completing your applications.

- Your graduation date is May 20, 2018

-  Your class has 307 students

-  WKHS offers 17 AP courses, 12 IB classes, and 13 honors classes

-  If your grade point average is a 4.0 or higher you have a rank of 1.  If your gpa is less than a 4.0 then we do not rank and that is what you should write instead ("Does Not Rank" or "None").  

- To find your GPA and/ or your past classes and grades to submit, you can find that information on Infinite Campus in the Reports section.

- Many colleges will ask you about me.  My name is Brianna Abbott.  My title is School Counselor.  My e-mail is babbott@wscloud.org and my phone number is 614-450-6490.  

-  Our school's CEEB code is 365507.  (Most applications if they ask you this will give you a look-up option, but you can just type it in as well.)

- I am really happy that so many of you are working on your applications because I know I wouldn't hear these questions if that wasn't the case.  Don't forget that if you are in need of a teacher or counselor recommendation letter that you should be asking for a letter at least 30 days in advance!  This means, that if you are trying to hit a November 1st application deadline then you should be asking for a recommendation letter this week if you haven't already taken care of that.  (And, again, remember, if your intended colleges do not require a recommendation letter, do NOT waste your teacher's time by asking them to write a letter that won't end up getting used.)

I hope that helps.  If you come across any other questions don't hesitate to let me know.

Don't forget, I will be gone this Friday and next Monday and Tuesday!  Stop by to see me now through Thursday if you need something.

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