Saturday, September 9, 2017

Test Score Submissions

I know that a lot of WKHS students took the ACT this morning and I hope it went well for all of you!  One of the important points to remember related to the college admissions tests (ACT and SAT) is that while your scores, once received at WKHS, will appear on your transcript, the vast majority of the colleges want to receive the score results directly from the testing agency. You receive the option to send your scores to 4 colleges for free when you are registering for the test and there is an additional charge for any extra schools you want to send your results to after those initial four.

You can log in to the ACT and SAT websites to review the locations where you selected to send your scores to make sure that every college you are considering has received a copy of your scores. 

Sending your scores is an important step as you are working on the college the application process. So, in addition to making sure that you have completed your application form, written your essay, secured your recommendation letters, and submitted your transcripts, please make sure that you have sent your test scores to each of the colleges where you are applying.  (And since you can do this part in advance, it is worth just knocking that component off of your "to do" list.

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