Sunday, September 10, 2017

Candy, Toys & Question of the Day

One of the things that is really important to me is that you will each find my office to be a place of safety.  I try to make sure that you are always welcome in my office. You never need an excuse to stop by and say Hi as I would love to see you. Yet, to some people, it can seem easier if you feel like you have an excuse... if that is how you feel, then perhaps your "excuse" can be to stop by for the candy or toys in my office.  I have a range of different types of candy in the candy jar in my office as well as lots of toys, so feel free to use that as reason enough to stop by and say Hi!  Plus, you can always come to see what the latest question of the day is because I change it up every day and I love learning all the new bits of information as you share your insights and opinions.

The one thing that I do ask of all students is to be aware and respectful of confidentiality of other students.  If my door is closed that means I am having a confidential conversation and so I ask that you do not knock or interrupt.  If it is an emergency, please notify one of the secretaries at the front of the counseling center and they will either interrupt me or find another counselor that is available until I am free.

While here I am begging for you to come by my office to visit, I do also want to give you a heads up that I will be out of the building this week on both Wednesday and Thursday for meetings so those would not be days to plan a quick visit.

Looking forward to having you visit soon!

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