Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse

What a cool and unique day today was as we all paused to see the Solar Eclipse.  I enjoyed being able to be alongside of you as we witnessed this historic occurrence in our lives.  As we went outside I couldn't help but be grateful that we are in a district dedicated to allowing all students and staff the opportunity to learn about the eclipse and to take the time out of the day to make these memories.

But even more than that, I kept finding myself thinking about the importance of embracing joy, wonder and appreciation in the little things.  And this isn't just with regards to the eclipse.  I have so much to be thankful for even in just the first few days of the new school year.  I appreciate the fact that I am able to work with each of you.  From the seniors who took time out of the final summer days to get a jump start on the college essay brainstorming process to the new freshmen that I got to talk with on the first day it means so much to me each time we can interact.  I appreciate all the love and attention Lexi has been receiving from staff and students - I wish I could tell you how happy she has been since school started again.  And I appreciate each student who has stopped by not just to change their schedules, but also to catch up and tell me about your summers and what is new in your lives... that is always the best part of my day!

I hope that today was memorable to you as well and that you are also working to find the joy, wonder and appreciation in each day.

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