Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Meet the Teacher Night

Tomorrow you will be on a 16 minute homeroom bell schedule.  During your first homeroom of the year you will be completing your Counselor Connection Forms.  Please take your time and share thoughtful and honest answers.  I absolutely read them and they are often very helpful to me in the future - including when it is time to help you come up with college essay ideas or recommendation letter components.  

Also, tomorrow night, Wednesday, August 23rd, is this year's PTO Meet the Teacher Night. This is a night when your parents can come through school, follow your schedule, and meet all of your teachers. Just before the Meet the Teacher night, Mr. Thomas will be providing an overview of the year regarding initiatives, improvement plans and upcoming events.  The information session by Mr. Thomas will begin at 6:40pm and the Meet the Teacher part of the evening will be over by 9pm. Each class will be 10 minutes in length and yes, your parents will have the same 5 minute passing time that you have during the day. (Hopefully they won't get lost and be late or else they could end up with lots of tardies!) :-)

Here is the schedule for the evening:

Overview of the Year by Mr. Thomas - 6:40 - 6:55

1st period - 7:00 - 7:10
2nd period - 7:15 - 7:25
3rd period - 7:30 - 7:40
4th period - 7:45 - 7:55
5th period - 8:00 - 8:10
6th period - 8:15 - 8:25
7th period - 8:30 - 8:40
8th period - 8:45 - 8:55

Please make sure you give your parents a copy of your schedule or at least write down the room numbers for all of your classes so they know where they are heading for the evening!  Of course, if you have lost your copy of your schedule, your parents can print off your schedule on Infinite Campus.

Please make sure your parents know about this evening because I know many of them will want to attend and they usually like putting a face with a name so that if you are talking about a test in Mr. ____'s class or an assignment for Mrs. ____'s class they will be able to keep it straight.

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