Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Summer School

I feel like I have been talking about nothing but summer school for weeks now (even though I know that isn't really true).  Hopefully if you are planning on taking summer school through Worthington you are already signed up for your class as the registration deadline for credit recovery has passed.  I don't know if they have a waiting list for students who were not able to get signed up before the registration deadline - you could try to contact the summer school office to find out (and I'd definitely recommend that if you were planning to make up a class this summer).  Here is the link to Worthington's Summer School website:  https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/domain/180

Summer school for Worthington starts next Monday.  You will be attending class from either 8-10 or 10-12, but please be aware that in order to get through the whole course it will be important that you work more on your own outside of the designated summer school time.  This is particularly critical for students who have multiple credits to make up during the summer!  Summer school will be at the Worthington Academy (which is located in the Phoenix Middle School building) from June 5-June 30th and you must attend every day until you have finished all of your classes.

However, some students are planning to do summer school through an outside online school provider and will then transfer the credit back into Worthington.  This is definitely an option for students.  Most of our kids tend to use TRECA because what I have heard is that they are the most cost effective option for get-ahead credit (and one of the more reasonable schools for credit recovery... granted, nothing can beat Worthington's option of free).  The cost for each semester of credit through TRECA is $85.  Their summer school registration deadline is June 9th.  Here is the website where you will sign up: https://treca.org/programs/summer-school

One note regarding TRECA - if you plan on earning your Government credit through them, please be aware that you must sign up for both Government A and Government B in order to fulfill the state's standards for the Government course.

If you want to take a class through a different summer school provider, that is absolutely fine - just make sure they are an accredited school.

Good luck if you will be taking classes this summer - I know it will be a way to stay cognitively engaged with your learning.

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