Monday, May 29, 2017

Happy Memorial Day

I love the quote that "America is only the land of the free because it is the home of the brave." I cannot imagine the courage and conviction it requires for men and women to make the decision to serve in our nation's military. I am incredibly grateful that there are people who are willing to dedicate their lives to protect our country. On Memorial Day, I hope you will join me in thinking not only of those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom and for the families they left behind, but also for all who have proudly served to make us the home of the brave. 

To me, realizing the fact that each person who is a part of our nation's military is just like the other Kilbourne kids is both humbling and overwhelming.  In fact, right now I know of 3 of my former students who are presently attending boot camp, another who is at the United States Naval Academy, and one more who graduated from the Naval Academy this weekend not to mention the many others who are currently serving in the military and/or are already veterans. I am so grateful to each and every one of them!

God Bless America and all who have made the choice to serve! 

(And I have to admit to something that might be frowned upon, but yesterday in church a WWII veteran was wearing his full military uniform and holding an American flag in his hand and I loved seeing him so much that I took this picture.  So while it may not have been a great idea to take a picture in church, how awesome is it that he can, and does, still wear his uniform proudly!)

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