Thursday, May 18, 2017

Graduation Rehearsal Reminder

Tomorrow morning is graduation rehearsal for seniors. Don't forget, this is a mandatory requirement for all seniors who plan on attending the commencement ceremony.  I'll be honest, it is a long and rather boring time - not at all like the excitement you will have during the actual ceremony on Sunday! The rehearsal is very important though and it will be worth it when everything goes well during the actual commencement ceremony. One of the most important details that seniors need to remember to pass along to their parents after the rehearsal is which side of the stage you will be on at the commencement ceremony. As a general rule, assuming you are one of my students, you will be on "Stage Right" which means that if you are standing on the stage you are on the right side or, put another way, looking at the stage you will be on the left side. This is the side where you be seated as well as the side where you will go up the stairs to receive your diplomas. Trust me, your parents will not be happy if they end up being on the "wrong" side and don't have a good view of your special day. 

Also, please remember that if you have not taken your cap and gown out of the plastic bag, you should definitely do this. You will need to iron it and make sure that it looks nice before the graduation ceremony. 

Rehearsal starts at 10:00am and you should be done around noon followed by pizza to celebrate. Don't forget, if you still have textbooks, you need to get them turned in before graduation rehearsal or else you have to pay for the books to be able to walk in the commencement ceremony.

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