Saturday, May 20, 2017


Reaching the end of the school year and all of the graduation related festivities are among some of the most special moments for high school students and their families.  Graduation weekend kicks off each year with the Baccalaureate service. Held annually at a local church, this event is sponsored by the Activity Club and celebrates the accomplishments of the WKHS seniors, honors the impact they have left on the school and community, and wishes the seniors good luck as they move on in life toward the exciting activities and adventures ahead.

Many of my students were a part of last night's inspirational service.  Ronnie Dahn sang beautifully, Anna Chen performed an inspired flute solo, Danielle Barker showcased her incredible dance talents, and Abby Souder put together the photo slide show which was so fun to see.  It is amazing to look at the baby pictures and the pictures of each senior now and think about how far you have come and all you have been through.  Cassidy Crouch and Anna Chen helped introduce the Keynote Speaker and then Cassidy also helped lead everyone in the WKHS Alma Mater.  And some of the talented artwork of our WKHS seniors was also on display at the event.

As if all of that was not enough, Diane Souder, the parent of one of my students, (mom of Abby) was the parent speaker and she gave a wonderful and touching talk!  I loved her encouragement for you to take care of your mind, your body and your soul!  It was an insightful and meaningful message from a passionate, caring and dedicated mom.

It was also exciting for me to see and listen to the Keynote Speaker, John Carey.  John was a senior at WKHS in my first year and he was one of my students.  I remember him fondly and it was so exciting to be able to see him again in person.  I have been able to follow his career from afar, but to be able to give him a hug and congratulate him in person was also special.  John was unique in that he knew exactly what he wanted to do for the rest of his life while he was in high school and to see that he has never given up on his dreams and has worked tirelessly to achieve his goals is so powerful.  I hope that no matter what you hope to pursue in your own future that you will never lose sight of the fact that you can do anything if you refuse to give up and still maintain balance on what is right for you - a message John so clearly articulated.

This whole evening was made possible because of the Activity Club and their student planning committee which included some of my students: Anna Chen, Abby Eymann, and Abby Souder.

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