Monday, May 22, 2017

Good luck on exams!

How was the first day of exams? I hope you did well and are feeling prepared for the final two days of exams. Remember, if you have studied and done the work that necessary, you have nothing to be worried about. As you know, you earn credits based on your semester grades. Most classes are graded on a scale that gives 40% to your 3rd quarter grade, 40% to your 4th quarter grade, and 20% to your final exam and that cumulative grade is your semester grade which will appear on your transcript. With exams worth so much, it is often able to help you improve grades significantly.  This is a reminder that there is always hope!

Lexi and I both wish you all the best of luck during exams!  You will do great.  Remember, we are around if you need anything over the next few days... and, we definitely hope you will stop to see us and say good-bye before summer vacation!

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