Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Another Year Ends...

Wow. It still amazes me that the school year is over. After the heart-breaking way the year started with the water polo car accident that lead us all to take pride in pulling together to be "Worthington Strong" to the quiet, simple moments that you have experienced (good and bad) away from the spotlight or attention of others, this has been quite a year.

I consider myself so fortunate to be able to work with my students, your families and an incredible Kilbourne staff every day. I appreciate your willingness to let me walk alongside you in your journey through high school. And I get so many positive moments throughout the year when you share your lives with me!

But today I think my heart is about to burst with all of the love and kindness I have experienced. The WKHS PTO recognized me with a Staff Member of the Year award. (Thanks PTO!)  To think that some of my students and/ or parents thought enough of me to nominate me is so humbling. But just as meaningful as that public recognition was the hug I received from one student who thanked me for everything this year and the note written on a scrap of notebook paper I found stuffed in the box outside my door expressing gratitude to me. And another family brought in a gift of treats for Lexi with a touching card. Now, I realize that, at times, I can be sentimental, but wow! The way I felt today... I hope everyone has a moment when you feel that loved and appreciated. Thank you to everyone who played a part in making today so meaningful and memorable for me! It means so much more than you can possibly imagine!

And now, it's summer! Thank you ALL for a good school year. I hope you have a safe and wonderful break. Congratulations on finishing exams and making it through another school year successfully.

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