Monday, April 17, 2017

Senior Reminders

Seniors, this is a busy time of year and you have a lot of pieces to pay attention to so I thought it might be helpful if I gave you a few reminders...

-  Caps and Gowns: You should have picked up your Cap and Gown already.  If you forgot to order your cap and gown, please stop by the counseling center to get the phone number for National Recognition Products and call to place your order right away!  

-  Diploma Presenter Form:  If you plan on asking someone to present you with your diploma at graduation - the deadline for submitting your presenter request form to the co-curricular office has technically passed, but you can still turn in your form if you forgot to submit it. I love the fact that you all have this opportunity as a way to make graduation an even more memorable experience. If you do not select someone to give you your diploma, an administrator from WKHS or central office or a school board member will present your diploma to you.

-  Senior Pictures:  I sincerely hope that you have already taken care of submitting your senior picture to Mrs. Mullen so that they can be included in the Yearbook.  If you didn't get your picture taken, please see Mrs. Mullen to make alternate arrangements.

Selfishly I will also mention that I love having pictures of my seniors!  As of right now I still do not have ANY pictures of seniors for the class of 2017.  Each year I put together a small album of pictures from that year's graduating class along with any notes or other mementos I wanted to save to remember your year.  It will be a very sad album if it doesn't have any pictures.  So, if you are a senior student or parent reading this, I hope you will consider giving me one of your pictures. (PLEASE!!)  :-)

-  Mandatory Graduation Information Form: Included in the senior packet that was mailed to your house was a mandatory graduation information form that contains a place for you to highlight your post-secondary plans and to complete your final transcript release form.  This is a mandatory form that you must return no later than May 3rd.  This form not only outlines your college decisions and scholarships received, but it also allows you to indicate where you would like your final transcript to be mailed after graduation. The information collected about colleges and scholarships will be used when putting together the information for Senior Recognition Night and when they are creating the graduation program so it is very important that the information is accurate! (For example, in the past a student called one scholarship by the wrong name and the parents were upset that it was listed wrong, so please double check to give the correct details.) If students do not complete the survey the school will not have anything to list in the commencement program, so please take a few minutes and complete the survey!

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