Sunday, April 16, 2017

Back to School

Today marked the last day of spring break.  I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing break.  I had a ton of fun with my niece and nephews, but Lexi and I are both anxious to get back to school again just so that we can see all of you and hear about your break... so I hope that you will stop by and update me on your week!

As we head back to school it is hard to believe how little time there is left in the school year.  This also means that it is time for the end-of-course exams to start up again.  As you may recall from previous years, this also means that we will be on funky bell schedules with extended periods for testing during either 1st, 2nd or 3rd periods.  I know that it can be frustrating and the assessments can sometimes feel overwhelming so if you are struggling, please stop by to see me.

We return to school tomorrow on a normal bell schedule and then testing will start up on Tuesday.

The bell schedule for Tuesday and Wednesday will be 1st period testing and only students taking Math 2 will be testing on those days and everyone else will be in their regular classes.

1st Period: 7:45 - 9:35
2nd Period: 9:40 - 10:23
3rd Period: 10:28 - 11:11
4th Period: 11:16 - 11:58
5th Period: 12:03 - 12:45
6th Period: 12:50 - 1:32
7th Period: 1:37 - 2:19
8th Period: 2:24 - 3:05

On Thursday and Friday of this week, the testing period will be 2nd period and only students taking Math 1 will be testing and everyone else will be in their regular classes following this bell schedule:

1st Period: 7:45 - 8:28
2nd Period: 8:33 - 10:23
3rd Period: 10:28 - 11:11
4th Period: 11:16 - 11:58
5th Period: 12:03 - 12:45
6th Period: 12:50 - 1:32
7th Period: 1:37 - 2:19
8th Period: 2:24 - 3:05

Happy Easter! See you tomorrow!

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