Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

Can you believe it is 2017?!?  I cannot believe how quickly time is passing... and in just a few short months the seniors will be graduating.  The one thing that I can promise you is that whether you are a freshman, a senior or old like me - time continues to fly past.

So in this new year, I have a lot of wishes for you!

My hope is that you will have days filled with meaning.  That you will make memories which will bring you joy in years to come.  That when things are falling apart and nothing seems to be going your way, you will remember that this is not the end and somehow, you will make it through (and that I am here to support you along the way).  I wish for you to be challenged in ways that allow you to grow so that you can dream big dreams and develop a certainty that you can achieve them.  Most of all, I pray you will know that you matter and you make a difference in the world!

Happy New Year!  I hope 2017 will be everything you hope for and more.

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