Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Question of the Day

For a while now I have had this idea of something I wanted to do and over break I have finally worked on pulling it together.  Introducing the Question of the Day!  :-)

There are so many times when you come in and just need something quick - me to sign a form, change a schedule, or look up your locker combination and I am always more than happy to do this, but I hate that in even those briefest of interactions we don't get to have much of a conversation.  So, I came up with this idea to implement a question of the day.  Each day I will have a new question for whomever happens to come in to see me on that day to answer along with whatever it is that I can do to help you.  I hope that this will be a fun way for me to learn more about you and it will be something that you can enjoy too.

Throughout the past few months I have been gathering questions and over the last few days I put together my list and I have more than enough for an entire school year without ever needing to duplicate questions.  So, beginning next week when we return to school, be ready to answer some random, fun, creative questions when you stop in to see me.  I can't wait... and I can honestly say that I wish each of you would have to answer all of the days of questions... even though I clearly know that isn't realistic.

I hope you are enjoying break and please know that I am excited to see you soon so I can start learning even more about you!

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