Sunday, August 21, 2016

Water Polo

I love watching sports.  If you have read my blog for even the last two weeks you already know that because of my obsession with the Olympics.  But what you probably don't know is that I would rather watch WKHS students compete than even the most elite athlete.  There is just nothing like being able to know the athlete who is competing beyond just what you see on the field, court, or water.

I don't know that I have ever been more impressed by the resiliency and spirit, dedication and commitment, and grit and heart than I was this weekend as the WKHS girls water polo team returned to competition!

Was it easy?  No.  Was it emotional?  Yes.  But they did it!  With heavy hearts who missed their teammates and friends, but with the strength and support not only of each other, but of the Worthington community, the central Ohio community, and the water polo community as a whole, the Kilbourne Water Polo team showed us all their ability to overcome.

I believe my favorite moment came as the girls gathered in the corner of the pool to wave and greet (via FaceTime) some of their teammates still recovering in the hospital.  (I was able to catch a picture of this.)  And, then later as they saw another recovering teammate come to support them in their game... wow!  Very powerful!

It has been a difficult week for the Worthington Water Polo teams, but they didn't allow that to be an excuse to quit and I was so incredibly proud to watch them compete.  Without a doubt, they are winners to me!

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