Monday, August 22, 2016


It is very important to me that I work to earn your trust every day. During high school there are times when you may feel that there is no one there to listen and yet you deserve that.  I want to remind you that I am here for you. Please remember that what you say to me is confidential between us unless you are a risk to yourself or someone else in which case I am required to report it.

If you want to talk with me - just drop by my office! That is honestly the BEST way to meet with me. You don't need to schedule an appointment in advance. I'm generally around before and after school as well as during your lunch or academic prep/ option periods for you to stop in and chat. You don't need a big reason to come down and say Hi. I am happy to see you even if you just wanted to tell me how well or how poorly you did on a test that day.  If I am busy meeting with another student or parent - you can stop back down or leave a pass for me. 

I do have a favor to ask though... if I don't know you yet and you have left a pass that leads me to search for you in the commons please try to help me out and let me know that "you" are the student. (I know, not always easy, but if you left a pass and I haven't tracked you down that day or the following day, chances are I can't find you in the commons - so please come back!)

Don't forget I have candy and toys in my office - so it is always worth just stopping by to say hello. :-) Nope, I am clearly not above bribery if it means that I get to know you all better. :-)

Also, a few important reminders about tomorrow...

Tomorrow will be picture re-take day so if you missed schedule pick up days and didn't get your picture taken, please visit the gym tomorrow during your lunch period to have your picture taken and to get your new school ID card.

Tomorrow is also the CSCC CC+ required meeting during your CC+ class period (2nd or 3rd period).  The meeting will be held in the WKHS Auditorium and a CSCC academic advisor will be here for the presentation.

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