Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Oh The Places *I'll* Go...

I'm don't typically travel a lot, but this past year I have had the chance to take some great, memorable trips and while on these trips I have included college visits whenever I could.  I know that some of you are traveling this summer and I'd like to remind you that I would like a picture of you on EVERY campus that you step foot on - even if it is not a school you are considering for your future.

I already mentioned my trip to LA to visit NYFA.  While I was in Los Angeles I also took the opportunity to visit a few other area colleges including...

Pepperdine University - Pepperdine is frequently cited as one of the most beautiful campuses in the nation and it is certainly a stunning setting.  These pictures don't do it justice, but the top photo shows me with the campus buildings in the back left, the athletic facilities below, and the Pacific Ocean in the back right.

University of Southern California - USC has a great tradition of academic and athletic excellence and I loved the campus.  I took the chance to eat while on campus and, FYI, it is something I suggest that all students do while they are on exploring possible colleges.

University of California Los Angeles - UCLA is yet another outstanding LA college with great traditions and a beautiful campus.  (Can I mention that with the gorgeous LA weather, it makes it hard not to love these college campuses.)  One of my favorite parts of visiting UCLA was a stop at Diddy Riese which had the most incredible ice cream sandwiches... I'd go back to LA just to have another one!  :-)

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