Sunday, July 10, 2016

New York Film Academy - Los Angeles

Last month I had the opportunity to visit the Los Angeles campus of the New York Film Academy (NYFA).  It was a wonderful experience to learn so much about a college that specifically targets fields that I knew very little about and I am so grateful to the staff at NYFA for not only inviting me to see their campus, but also for making sure that I (along with all of the other counselors and teachers attending) had a chance to learn about their college and the experiences available to students.

As their college name indicates, the New York Film Academy is focused on film, but this is not just a college for actors!  In fact, part of what amazed me was all of the different aspects that are involved in successfully creating what we see on television and in movies.  Yes, there are definitely actors, but there are also screenwriters, directors, producers, photographers, animators, and game designers.  NYFA is focused on helping students with a passion and drive for these fields to make their mark and get the hands on education that will help them in the future.

One of the hallmarks of their college is the fact that 100% of their faculty and staff are actively involved in the fields that they are helping students pursue.  So, for example, the professor teaching the students about screenwriting is also working in the industry as a screenwriter.  Even the admissions officers and academic advisors work as actors or hosts or producers or directors.  They are individuals who are passionate about what they do and they enjoy having the chance to share their love of film with the world and especially with their students who have shared interests.

Located in beautiful, sunny LA, NYFA has great facilities and incredible opportunities available to their students in part because of their location.  Students film on the Universal Studios Backlot.  Students are able to access this AMAZING (huge) props and costume facility called the Edith Head Building which is also on the Universal Studios lot.  It was fascinating as we walked through the building to see all of the different things that are stored there.  For example, there is an entire aisle full of telephones (old phones, new phones, cell phones, etc.), a complete section of furniture, an aisle that featured different swords (some that all looked the same, but were in a range of weights from real and very heavy to fake and light as a feather) and so when someone is designing their scene they will go through and pull the various items that they need to help bring that scene to life.  NYFA students have the added bonus of being able to rent the props and costumes for 50% off.  Personally, I thought it was cool to walk through the building and see tags on carts for supplies that current popular TV shows were pulling for upcoming tapings.

I have to be honest, I thought the entire experience was fascinating because I really didn't know anything about all of the different jobs that go into a production, but without a doubt my favorite part was seeing what the animation/ game design staff can do.  It absolutely amazed me.

NYFA also has camp opportunities available for high school students so if you are interested in learning more, those might also be a good chance to learn more about the college and the industry.

I took a lot more pictures and have a wealth of information and resources that they provided to me so if you are interested, stop and see me once we are back at school and I'd love to talk to you more about everything I learned at NYFA!

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