Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Congratulations Ms. Adrean

Doesn't it feel good to be recognized for your hard work?  We all want that.  In fact, I believe that we all need that from time to time!  It is normal to have moments when you wonder if anyone notices how hard you are working.

At WKHS we try to recognize students in a variety of ways - through your involvement in activities, by providing opportunities for leadership, with ceremonies like Academic Honors Night and Senior Recognition Night, through Signing Day Ceremonies (both athletic and academic), with awards like Student of the Month, Socratic Society and Hall of Fame and through acknowledgements such as Kilbourne Kompliments and even the new 25th Anniversary Coin.  All of these are examples of ways that we strive to celebrate the positive contributions you make to the Kilbourne community on a daily basis because it makes a difference.  You make a difference and we always want you to know that we see it and we appreciate it.

Today at Kilbourne we had a chance to honor Ms. Adrean, our building principal, for the difference that she makes.  Ms. Adrean was recently awarded the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators Principal of the Year award!  This is a HUGE recognition - not only for the positive role she plays in our building, but also the impact she is having through her leadership on a much bigger level.

We are lucky.  We have a Principal who believes in putting students first and always striving to remain focused on doing what is best for kids.  She believes in taking care of one another and she doesn't just preach that at the students, but rather she tries to model it through her own interactions with others.  And she is tireless in her commitment to excellence in every way.  She has high standards for the students and staff at WKHS, but she is willing to work hard alongside all of us so that together we can achieve every goal.

It was fun to have an assembly to recognize the hard work and dedication that Ms. Adrean demonstrates as our building principal... and even better that we were able to surprise her with this celebration!

Ms. Adrean, thanks for all that you do for me and for all of us at WKHS.  We are thankful to have you as our principal.  We appreciate you and can confidently say that no one is more deserving of the Principal of the Year award.  Congratulations!

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