Monday, April 4, 2016

Compass Tests

If you are a student who signed up to participate in College Credit Plus (CC+) next year, we are in the process of sending you notification of your next steps.  This includes applying to your intended college and, for many of you, taking the Compass Tests.

Compass tests are placement tests.  Colleges often use the compass test to help them know what course is the appropriate level for students.  They can also use alternate standards such as high school grades or ACT and SAT scores to help determine the appropriate placement levels.  So, for some high school students, you will not need any tests, others will be able to submit your ACT/ SAT score reports to your CC+ college and that will take care of your placement testing requirements.  And for many others the Compass test will be utilized.

Students that are only taking a CC+ math course at WKHS next year will complete the Compass test this Friday, April 8th, during 3rd period.

Students that are taking CC+ classes through Columbus State (such as English, Psychology, Government, Sociology, Physical Geology, Ethics, etc.) or a combination of the math and CSCC courses will be taking the Compass tests at WKHS on Thursday and Friday, April 28th and 29th.  You can sign up for your preferred time slot in the Counseling Center.

You do not HAVE to study for the Compass tests, but they are all completely on the computer so if you'd like to familiarize yourself with the testing program and what to expect on the tests, you can use the resources available here:

If you are not sure if you will need to test or which date will be your testing date, please check your wscloud e-mail because we are sending you the specific directions that will indicate your next steps.

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