Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Back to Reality

Well, it is January 1st.  Hard to believe.  For seniors, today marks another major college application deadline and I was relieved that I didn't see any e-mails that you were in a panic about submitting your applications in time.  For all of us, today is also the final day of our winter break and tomorrow we are back to reality with a bright and early start of school.  Getting up early may be a struggle (definitely for me) but at least we have the "Alumni Extravaganza" event to look forward to during the day.  In case you haven't heard the news, the IB Business class has been planning an event to bring back alumni to share their thoughts and experiences related to college and choosing careers.

I have started notes about my thoughts and reflections on 2013 and still plan on sharing them with you, but that will have to wait for a later blog post.  For now, Happy New Year and I will see you tomorrow!

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