Thursday, January 2, 2014

Alumni "Extravaganza"

Today approximately 25 of Worthington Kilbourne's alumni came back to share their experiences and insights with our current Kilbourne students.  It was wonderful to welcome these students back to the school.  

Hearing about what they are doing now, what college has been like for them and their plans for the future  was touching.  I can vividly remember talking to some of my former students about their dream careers when they were in high school and to know that today they are making progress toward those goals or that they have even already achieved their dreams was incredibly powerful.

I also enjoyed hearing about their reflections about how WKHS prepared them for the next stages of their lives.  One student after the next talked about how their experiences at Kilbourne helped them succeed in college.

The graduates also shared thoughts about successfully balancing the responsibilities and freedoms of college including the academics, social, and personal aspects.

I was particularly thankful for the 13 alumni who were formerly my students that participated in today's panel discussions.  A huge thank you to (left to right): Andy Gottesman, Keeler Callahan, Sam Johnson, Chad Ellwood, Nick Bortolani, Josh Cook, Carly Cameron, Ethan Dixius, Naomi Barker, Hannah Vincent, Brittany Hammond, Will Campbell and Roy Greim!  Being able to visit briefly and catch up with each of you was the perfect way to kick off the new year.  Good luck to each of you in the exciting opportunities ahead of you in the future!  Thanks again for presenting to our students today.

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