Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Few Reminders

Seniors: Don't forget to watch your financial aid deadlines. Some are as early as February 1st! With the financial aid meeting being postponed to January 25th it is important that you start working with your parents to gather tax information. Also, don't forget to order your cap and gown if you haven't already done so!

Juniors: We are about ready to start the registration process and your planning for senior year and life after high school. I sent an e-mail to your parents about potential meeting times as I would like to schedule a 30 minute appointment with each of you and your parents. The dates of the meeting options are February 1st (5 - 9pm), February 3rd (7am - 6pm), February 14th (7am - 9pm), and February 17th (7am - 6pm). I hope that will provide enough options so that we will have the opportunity to meet together with your parents. Take a moment and remind your parents about the meeting.

Sophomores: You have been through the experience of exams in the past so I hope you are learning from past successes and/ or mistakes to prepare and excel as you finish the first semester.

Freshmen: Semester exams will be a new experience. You do not need to panic, but you do need to prepare! Most teachers have provided semester study guides, some will even offer study sessions or extra review opportunities. Please take advantage of these opportunities to prepare so that you are confident and can demonstrate what you have learned since starting at WKHS.

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