Wednesday, January 12, 2011

December Socratic Society

I am *REALLY* far behind in posting some of the monthly student recognitions. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the November Student of the Month ceremony so I missed the chance to take a picture of the 3 students in my portion of the alphabet who were honored to celebrate them on my blog. I have tried on several occassions to get them together so that I could take the picture and failed. I will not give up, but I am going to give in and move to the recognition that took place in December...

The Socratic Society recognizes students for excellence in one or more of the core socratic values of Scholarship, Integrity, Personal Effort, Compassion, or Lifelong Learning. Teachers are invited to nominate students for the Socratic Society as a way to honor and celebrate the impact students are making at WKHS each day by carrying out these values. Students are only eligible to be selected for this honor one time during their high school career.
A special congratulations to "my" students who were among those recognized this month! (Left to Right): Christina Carrizales, Talia Bond, Riley Campbell, Cole Doran, Ethan Dixius, Danny Dutko and (not pictured) Jonathan Black. I am proud of each of you!

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