Thursday, February 4, 2010

Registration Reminder

I realize that right now every student (and let's be honest, most of the staff) are hoping that we luck out and have a snow day or at least a delay tomorrow. I suspect we aren't going to luck out with the majority expected to arrive Saturday, but there is always the hope. :-) Since we may (or may not) be at school tomorrow, I wanted to remind you that it is essential for EVERY student (grades 9 - 11) to register online by Monday. Below is a copy of the e-mail that is going to be sent home tomorrow to all parents from the counseling department about registration.
Dear Parents,

It's that time of year again!

The online registration system is currently open and all students must register online for their 2010-2011 classes by Monday, February 8th. Students will register by logging into the portal and indicating their courses on the “My Requests” page. Please take the time to sit with your students, review the courses that their teachers recommended, and decide on a schedule that best fits your student's needs.

All students will meet with their counselor individually to review the courses they have submitted online to make sure that they are on track for graduation and for meeting their future goals. They will need to turn in their completed course recommendation forms during these meetings. We understand that some students may have questions about their course selections and we will work to address them during our meetings. It is still essential that all students have submitted their course requests online prior to these meetings with the required number of credits and alternatives selected. It may ease your mind to know that the system closes for students on the 8th, but counselors will still be able to enter the system to make changes if necessary.

Freshman will meet with counselors on February 9th.
Sophomores will meet with counselors on February 10th.
Junior meetings are scheduled individually by counselors and they have received notice of these meeting dates and times.

This is the first year that we are being given the opportunity to meet one-on-one with every single student on our case load and we are very excited that each student will have this individualized attention regarding their academic planning. As you can imagine, this will be a busy few weeks for us, so we ask for your patience throughout this process. We realize some of you may have questions that your son or daughter is unable to answer. Perhaps these questions can be addressed via e-mail, but if you feel it is essential to have a face-to-face meeting, we will be available during the March 1st parent/ teacher conferences. Please call or e-mail your son or daughter’s counselor directly if you want to schedule an appointment for that evening.

Thank you,
The WKHS Counselors

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