Friday, February 5, 2010

Athletic Eligibility

As you review your course selections online this weekend, please be sure that you double check and make sure you are taking enough classes to be eligible to participate in athletics and other co-curricular activities.

All freshman, sophomore, and junior students are required to take at least 6 classes each semester.

All seniors are required to take at least 5 classes each semester.

In addition to the minimum number of courses you must take, in order to be eligible you must PASS at least 5 of the half credit courses each quarter. If you are signing up to take a Wellness for Life (formerly Phys Ed) course, you need to remember that these classes are only worth .25 credits so they do not count in the courses needed for athletic eligibility.

If you have questions about athletic eligibility, please stop in the athletic office or to see me for additional clarification.

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