Thursday, January 28, 2010

Talent Show

Wow - I haven't posted since Monday... guess that shows how crazy this week has been in my world! I don't know about you, but I am exhausted! Thankfully tomorrow is Friday.

Tonight I went to the talent show which was the first time I have ever been to one of Kilbourne's talent show events. I had heard about how wonderful they were in the past, but had just never been able to make it to them in the past. Tonight's show certainly lived up to the expectations! The three "hosts" of the talent show were hysterical. I loved all of their skits between the performance acts. (Including Haley Bogatay's special appearance in one of their skits.) Many of "my" students performed tonight including: Veronica Barker, Robbie Davidson, Sammi Adams, Kara Barford, Grace Barker, Krystin Burgess, Jason Cunningham, Jordan Ellwood, David Busch, Austin Dickey, and Eric Clemens. I am extremely impressed by all of your talents! More students were involved behind the scenes including: Kristin Bond, Andrea Barton, Adith Balaji, Naomi Barker, and Kyle Calcote. You all did a great job putting on a wonderful show.

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