Monday, January 25, 2010

E-mail Issues

I wanted to let everyone know that we are having e-mail issues at school. As a result, they have notified us that it is uncertain if our e-mails are successfully being sent out of the district and random if we will receive incoming e-mail messages. The district has informed us that they don't know how long this problem will last, but I wanted you to be aware as it definitely impacts one of the main ways that I communicate with parents and families.

I hope that you had a good day and are enjoying your new second semester classes. I saw a ton of students (over 1/5 of my entire student caseload!) in the day and the vast majority were looking to make schedule changes. Most were frustrated that the changes weren't easy to make, but I wanted to remind you that as you start the registration process on Wednesday to keep these frustrations in mind when selecting your classes. I know it is hard to predict what you will be interested in taking a year in advance, but we build the entire schedule around your requests so that we can fit all of the classes that you were interested in taking into your school day without creating conflicts. It isn't a perfect system as there are always some conflicts, but we do the best we can. Please know that it is entirely based upon your requests so think carefully when making your choices.

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