Sunday, November 29, 2009

Transcript Release Reminder

Remember, if you are applying to schools with a December 15th, December 31st, or January 1st deadline and you have not already turned in a transcript release form you need to do this Monday or Tuesday! Many of you have asked if it is OK to turn in a transcript release form before you have completed your applications. Yes, it is definitely OK! Your actual application to the college is still not due until whatever their stated deadline is, but if we are going to successfully process all of the forms and transcripts before winter break then we need to have your transcript releases in before December 1st. (Remember, we are not at school working during winter break either...)

Another reminder related to the transcript releases... whatever you put on the transcript release form as far as materials to be included is what we will make sure we have before sending in your transcript. So, for example, I have a transcript and paperwork that have been sitting in my office for at least 3 weeks because I do not have the teacher recommendations that are indicated. If you have any questions about if your transcript has been mailed, you can check that information on PrepHQ. If you look at PrepHQ and see that your transcript is still in the office, then I strongly recommend that you follow up with your teachers and make sure that their letters will be ready before your postmark deadline! Some students are making sure that all of the materials are ready to be mailed when turning in their transcript release forms by attaching the sealed envelopes of their teacher's recommendation letters or by making sure that their teachers have already given me copies of their recommendations prior to submitting the transcript release forms. This is ideal, but you still need to make sure that you are turning in the transcript release forms to Mrs. Hoyt before December 1st.

- Due by December 1st: Transcript release form, $2.00, and any additional materials (counselor report form, school report form, teacher recommendation letters, etc.) for EVERY college that need to be mailed for December 15th, December 31st or January 1st application deadlines.

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and hearing all about your 5 days off!

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