Friday, November 27, 2009

A "Black Weekend"

The day after Thanksgiving is known as “Black Friday” and the entire weekend has been called a “Black Weekend.” NOT because of all the brave people who are out shopping, but because high school seniors across the country are forced by parents to spend all weekend working on college applications in an effort to try to get them completed. I keep wondering how many of you are really spending the weekend locked away in your rooms stressed out about trying to finish your college applications. With December 1st being Tuesday, many of you may have been ahead of the game and not procrastinating to try to get everything done over the holiday weekend. Hopefully you finished so you could enjoy the break and that it was not a black weekend with lots of application work.

In case you are still working on your applications and need some additional help or tips perhaps these links will help:

College Application Resume

Don’t forget that you can check to see if the college of your choice has updates or hints or reminders about their essay questions on their website or even on YouTube. (For example, the University of California has a YouTube video about their personal statement and what they are looking for in the essay.)

What are you really going to college for?

And for those of you who are starting to look ahead from college application work to focusing on scholarship applications, here are two links that might interest you.

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