Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mental Blocks, Adversity, Self Doubt, and Worry

I have mentioned before that there are a lot of blogs that I follow and that most of them are in some way related to education or college. There is one blog that I stumbled across at some point a while back that I love to read called Stepcase LifeHack. In the recent past they have had several articles about topics that I think you will be able to relate to and might enjoy.

Getting Things (Re-)Started: Dealing with Mental Blocks
This post highlights ways to keep going and work toward accomplishing your goal when you are feeling stuck. This happens a LOT to high school students. The number of you that are professional procrastinators is rather impressive. So, perhaps this article and the suggestions to: Take it on the Road, Do Twenty Minutes, Limit Yourself, Skip the Hard Stuff, and Tend to your Knitting will resonate with you. It’s worth a try!

Face Adversity with a Smile

This post deals with the importance of picking your attitude when facing adversity. We all have challenges and difficult days – some more than others – and it is important to try to manage the aspects that we can control. Often, your attitude and outlook are the only parts that are yours to control and this article offers helpful reminders and steps to try to maintain a positive attitude.

Self Doubt: A Disease the Doesn’t Discriminate

We all face self-doubt. It is part of being human. You are often your own harshest critic and the fear that can come regarding the impact of the non-stop chatter of personal talk that you hear running through your head all the time can be overwhelming. This article helps to normalize the self doubt and reminds you to consider it’s role in your life. Are you controlling the doubt/ fear or is it controlling you?

And last, but certainly not least…

The Work of Worry

This article talks about worrying and the ways that we make it worse for ourselves by procrastinating, being disorganized, trying to be over-organized, or setting unattainable goals.

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