Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. It started out on a high with beautiful weather for last night's football game. (Well, beautiful until half way through senior tackle at least...)

Congratulations to the senior football players - Tyler Boggs, Weston Bridges, Will Campbell, and Jason Cunningham on the victory over Thomas. What a wonderful way to wrap up your high school football career! Congratulations also to senior cheerleaders, Emma Ellis and Jordan Ellwood.

In honor of all the little kids who are dressing up for halloween and to celebrate Worthington Kilbourne's victory over Thomas I think the picture of Lobo with the cardinal in his mouth is pretty appropriate. After all, as Coach Trombetti shared at the pep rally, this was really a victory for the student body and school and not just for the football team.

And, of course, no halloween post would be complete if it didn't have my adorable niece and nephew... :-) Carly dressed up in a kimono as a Japanese girl. She has been planning this costume since early in the summer when she picked out the fabric and had my mom make the costume for her. Cole was going back and forth on what he wanted to be and he finally decided on being a Fireman. (Although he insists he is not a fireman he is a fire TRUCK, but whatever...) Since my sister and her family live out in the country, trick or treat where they live is actually called "Trick or Trunk" because everyone drives to a church in the middle of town and then the kids trick or treat to the trunks of all of the cars instead of trying to go door to door. Below is a picture of Carly and Cole:

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