Monday, September 14, 2009

Wednesday Reminders

Since I tend to add the updates to my blog later in the evening I thought it might be helpful if I provided a few reminders about Wednesday just a bit early...

- Wednesday morning is a late-start day. Students will begin classes at 9:10am.

- Wednesday evening from 7:00 - 7:30 is the Freshman Parent Night officially welcoming the parents of the Class of 2013 to WKHS.

- Wednesday evening from 7:30 - 9:30 is the PTO Meet the Teacher Night. Parents will follow their student's schedules with 10 minute long classes providing the opportunity to meet the teachers and get a quick overview of the course. I strongly recommend that you give your parents a copy of your schedule... and if you are really nice, write down just your 1st semester classesfor them , in order, with room numbers and hints about the fastest way to get from one class to the next. They will have 5 minute passing time just like you do every day. :-)

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