Sunday, September 13, 2009


This weekend many seniors spent a few hours on Saturday morning taking the ACT. Now that the test is over it's time to sit back and wait for your scores. I thought you might be interested in learning more about the past scoring trends in the nation and in Ohio.

Last year the average composite ACT score in Ohio was a 21.7. This is the same score for the 2nd year in a row and up slightly from 5 years ago when the average composite in the state was a 21.4.

The average composite in the nation last year for the ACT was a 21.1.

43 Ohio students earned a perfect score (36) on the ACT Composite last year.

The average ACT essay writing score in Ohio (7) was slightly less than the national average (7.2).

All of the Ohio and national data is available here from ACT.

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