Sunday, February 8, 2009

Registration Reminder

Hopefully by now all of you have completed your online registration for next year's courses. If you have not, please do it now! Today is the deadline and I am nervous that, because I haven't been at school (or online) to remind you, a large number of my students will have mised the registration deadline. (In case you forgot, register on the portal at using your school username and password.)

A couple of last minute course reminders:

- Theater Production is now called Applied English: Stagecraft. It still counts as a general elective credit just like it always did in the past (not an English elective credit.)

- The other 2 theater classes, Theater Art Survey and Theater Rep, are both listed in the course planning handbook in the English area, but they are not English courses - they are general elective credits.

- Also, please remember that there are two new courses in the Project Lead The Way (Engineering) program - Digital Electronics and Civil Engineering and Architecture.

I am back at school tomorrow and looking forward to seeing all of you! I anticipate that it will be a pretty crazy day for me because it is another day of Junior meetings, but I think a large number of the meetings are actually scheduled before school or after school so feel free to stop down if you need anything. (But don't wait to register for your classes - complete the online registration and if I need to fix something later I can do that.)

And finally, I would like to thank you all for your kind words, gestures, thoughts, and support over the past few days. It means more to me than you will ever know.

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