Monday, February 9, 2009

Oh My...

Well, it seems the panic of the day is that there were LOTS of students who "forgot" to register online before last night's deadline. Obviously this is not a good situation as you do not want me to randomly pick classes for you! :-) So, it looks like we are going to open the online registration site again on Wednesday morning during the homeroom time period so that any students who have not already registered can rush and get signed up. Please remember that you need to turn in your course recommendation forms (signed by your teachers) and, if applicable, your late arrival or early release authorization forms during the homeroom on Wednesday.

The junior meetings went well today. I am looking forward to catching up with everyone else in the next few days. One more day of junior meetings this week - Thursday.

On a totally different front, I wanted to make sure that everyone had a heads up that OSU has extended their application deadline to February 16th (which is the same day as their FAFSA deadline). They did this to help everyone make sure that all of their materials were submitted and received at OSU because of the snow days at so many districts. OSU also announced today that they are buying the Holiday Inn Hotel on Lane Avenue and turning it into dorm rooms - potentially as early as next fall. (I am linking to the article about this in the Columbus Dispatch.)

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