Monday, January 26, 2009

With Heartfelt Gratitude

I have mentioned on many different occassions just how impressed I am by all of "my" students. You are incredibly talented, kind-hearted, and willing to help those around you - including me. I have said it before, and I am sure I will say it again, but I never cease to be amazed by all that you do!

Right now, aside from the two million (actually feels like more than that) schedule changes that I have been busy trying to process, we are also getting ready for the registration homeroom when all of the freshman, sophomore, and junior students will receive the packets of information to register for next year's classes. Each year since I have been at WKHS we have had students assigned to help us create a video to be shown during homeroom to explain the steps of the registration process. Now, let's be honest, the video certainly isn't exciting or adventerous, but it is meant to be informative... and hopefully it accomplishes that goal.
The reason that I am mentioning all of this is to tell you about the depth of my gratitude and my absolute awe for the work that Sam Johnson did to put together the video this year! Sam agreed to help us even though he was not getting credit for a class, it didn't count as an assignment, and, quite honestly, there was no real benefit to him spending his well-deserved free time to help create a well put-together video for us. And yet, he quickly said yes and was patient and understanding as he tried to help us (counselors who know little to nothing about technology) figure out how to make the video work effectively.
Sam, thank you so much for your time, dedication, and effort! I appreciate it far more than you can possibly know.

And, while I don't have a picture of them, I would also like to acknowledge the students who came in during their off periods this morning to help me put together the registration packets that will be distributed in the homerooms. Included in the early morning wake-up and help group were Haley Blanton, Alyssa Boudinot, Will Campbell, Brooke Dahn, and Clay Hedges. Thank you also to John Barry and Thomas Kramer who Haley and I were able to convince to come in and help us finish counting during their 2nd period Options time. And, if any of the homerooms are short on materials, well, I guess we will all know that talking and counting are far more difficult than one might suspect. ;-) In all sincerity, thank you for helping this morning! I cannot even begin to imagine how late I would have needed to stay tonight if I would have needed to do that all on my own!

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