Sunday, January 25, 2009


The second semester will bring some changes to WKHS - and more than just your schedule changes!

Starting this week, all students and parents will have access to e-Sembler which is the online gradebook that teachers have been learning and piloting during the 1st semester. You (and your parents) will be able to log into the portal using your username and password to see your e-Sembler grades. Instructions are being mailed home this week. I think this will be very helpful as it will provide a simple way for you to monitor your grades. Remember, it will be important to be reasonable and patient as you wait for teachers to enter grades as it is not an instantaneous process.

The other new feature that begins this week is that all students will be required to enter a Pin number when buying food in the cafeteria. You will still be able to pay cash, but it will also give families the option of having use a pre-paid debit system for food purchases. Your pin number will be the same number that you had in elementary or middle school (if you still remember it), but since I doubt most of you still know your pin numbers they are also going to be giving them to you during homeroom on Wednesday - which is when this new aspect will take effect.

And finally, back to schedule changes... you only have 3 days in which to add a class so if you are thinking of picking up a class you need to do it by Wednesday. If I have a line (as seems to be the case whenever lots of people are looking to make schedule changes) then leave a pass telling me exactly what you want to do and then I can try to make it work for you... even if you are not there and then I can get the updated schedule back to you. I have a large stack of updated schedules sitting on my desk right now... which means that if you have already requested a change it would be a good idea to come in and pick up your new schedule before heading to class tomorrow. For everyone else, thanks for being patient if you were trying to get in to see me and I have a long line...

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