Sunday, February 3, 2008

Traditions in Sports

I admit it, I love traditions in sports. Different teams have their own unique traditions and I just love watching those moments. One of the more common traditions is honoring seniors during senior night. Usually this honors the accomplishments and contributions the seniors have provided with their participation and leadership by recognizing them with their parents. Some of Kilbourne's teams also have other traditions like Senior Tackle for football. On Friday night I had the chance to see the guys and girls swimming and diving team's senior night. Rather than just a normal swim meet their tradition is to end with a "fun" meet of unique events that were all relays. Some of the relays were combinations of guys and girls and at the end of the evning there was even a relay with parents. A special congratulations to "my" senior swimmers - Brian Blum, Phil Bunting, Rolando Contreras, and Joe Pfeifer.

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