Monday, February 4, 2008

Planning Ahead

I wanted to give you all a heads up that this week starts the craziness of my individual meetings with every Junior and their parents. Tomorrow and Thursday I have meetings beginning at 7am and don't end until 9pm. The meetings are scheduled every 30 minutes which means that catching me on these days will be tough. Please try to plan accordingly. There will be a few blocks of time that I am open on Tuesday and Thursday, but in general, you are going to have a much easier time of finding me on Wednesday or Friday. In case you are *really* looking ahead, I have these same types of meetings next Monday the 11th and the following Wednesday, February 20th.

How are you all doing with the new online registration? Have you been able to log on and request your classes without any problems? If you are having difficulty, please be sure to let me know so that I can figure it out. In case you need it, you will register at using your student id and password. Please don't forget to register by this Friday!

On a totally separate note, I went to the Kilbourne Singer's concert tonight - WOW! It was amazing. They performed the pieces they will be performing at an Ohio Music Educators Association meeting later this week and I am confident after seeing/ hearing them tonight that they will do awesome and will impress everyone in attendance! Congratulations on a great night!

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