Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Registration Reminder

Just a few quick reminders...

Tomorrow (Thursday) is the 2nd day of Junior meetings. I will be meeting with the Juniors and Junior Parents in 30 minute appointments all day long. If you need something from me - please plan to stop in on Friday.

Also, the deadline for course registration is on Friday! Please be sure you have registered for your classes for next year using the online system this week. Yes, this also means that the Juniors who have meetings scheduled with me for the 11th or the 20th still need to register for classes this week. We will be able to change your courses later, but having them in the system is critical to moving the registration process along.

If you have selected courses and then changed your mind and want to go back into the computer to change them it was *supposed* to allow you to do that through Friday, but I have heard from a few students that the courses appear "frozen" or "locked." If that is the case, simply let me know and I will unfreeze them for you so that you can make edits this week. After this week I will have to make the changes for you.

(Yes, I am aware that this update is very similar to past updates this week, but these are the questions I am getting all day long at school - so it bears repeating. Thanks for being patient.)

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