Saturday, February 9, 2008

It's No Excuse, But...

I know that it is no excuse for not updating, but seriously, I have been *so* tired these last few days. I loved sleeping in this morning and accomplished little to nothing today. :-)

Thursday's junior meetings went well and I was happy to have a chance to meet more of the parents. Friday was chaotic trying to catch up with everyone that I had "neglected" on Thursday by being in meetings all day. (The candy jar was untouched by kids on Thursday and nearly emptied on Friday! LOL!)Just to add to the fun - Monday is Day 3 of the Junior meetings, but the actual school day isn't as crazy as the after school times. I think I am in meetings about 1/2 of the school day so if you need to meet with me stop down and if I am in a meeting go ahead and leave a pass and I will do my best to find you during your off period and between my meetings. (Otherwise we will have to connect on Tuesday.)

For my Sophomores and Juniors - hopefully you were all able to get online and register. If you didn't please do it this weekend!

It seems to me that time is flying - did you know that it is nearly time for 3rd quarter interims? This is your last week before interim grades come out so make sure you are taking care of everything needed in your classes. Seniors, please, no senioritis - not yet! Also, if you know that your parents want to schedule conferences with any of your teachers let them know that they can start scheduling their appointments on Monday by calling Mrs. King in the Counseling Center. (883-2590)

Hope you are having a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.

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