Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Last Day for Changes Approaching

The last day for students to change a class from conventional grading (A, B, C, etc.) to Pass/ Fail grading is Tuesday, March 4th! The forms are in the counseling center and require a parent signature. If you plan to switch a class to pass/ fail, please be sure to pick up a form and return it before Tuesday!

March 4th is also the last day that students can drop a class without an F on their transcript. This is only possible if students have above the minimum number of classes required (5 for seniors and 6 for sophomores and juniors). And yes, it is too late to add a class.

Sorry I didn't get a posting on here last night, but I was worn out after parent/ teacher conferences. Tonight I am definitely not feeling well, so if I end up being out sick tomorrow - sorry, I will have to catch up with you Thursday. Don't forget, we don't have school Friday.

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