Sunday, February 24, 2008

Carly & Cole

Any time Carly and Cole are in town for a visit I have a great time with lots of laughter. Cole is now becoming such a "big boy" and he is talking more and more so it is fun to figure out what he is trying to say. (Except at night when he talks in his sleep...) Today Carly and I went with one of my other friends, Isabelle, to Build-A-Bear at Easton. Carly made a pink sparkly bear which she dressed up in a wedding dress with high heeled gold shoes. Isabelle made a bunny for her sister, Maddie, that she dressed up like a baby. I think they had fun. I was so mad at myself because I completely forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures from our adventure. You might notice that I did NOT take Cole with me and I felt bad about ditching him, but seriously, I can only handle 2 kids at once. I will have to take him next time. I did get quite a few cute pictures of Carly and Cole from Saturday (when I thankfully remembered my camera) so I thought I would share a couple with you as my time with them was the highlight of my weekend. I hope you had a great weekend too. See you tomorrow for another 4-day week!

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