Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Time Flies

I really cannot believe that it is already time to begin registering for classes for next year. Today during homeroom all of my Sophomores and Juniors received the information about course selection. Hopefully today or tomorrow your teachers will go over the different choices available to you in their department and will make their individual recommendations about the best class fit for you. Please remember to talk about your wishes with your parents - and then, of course, register online for the classes you plan to take next year. Just a reminder to all of my Juniors - next week starts our individual meetings. If you (and your parents) haven't set up a time yet, please talk to your parents and find out if they want to meet and let's get something scheduled. If you have any questions about registering for classes, feel free to let me know - you can comment here or stop in my office and see me. I am sure you are all excited that tomorrow is your last day of school for the week... you all will be in shock the next few weeks when your schedules actually return to five day school weeks. :-)

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