Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bye Bye Birdie

Tonight I went to Kilbourne's production of Bye Bye Birdie and once again I walked away absolutely amazed by the talent of the WKHS students. The musical was very cute and the kids did a great job with it! Congratulations to every individual who worked to make the production a success including (and hopefully not missing anyone) the cast: Katie Chilcoat, Megan Denti, Carly Coulter, James Andrews, Chaitanya Bukkapatnam, Becca Alexander, David Busch, Allison Carney, Bryan Barbin, and Isabel Andrews. The crew: Jessica Barbarula, Jona Baldwin, Joe Donovan, Carrie Boswell, Brad Colverd, and Scott Doyle. And last, but not least, the orchestra: Emily Bright and Kaytee Ambrozich. Once again, you put on a very impressive production and I am enjoyed the evening.

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