Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a safe and enjoyable New Year's eve. Now that we are in 2008 it is time to start planning ahead. For the seniors, I am sure that I do not need to point out that 6 months from today you will graduate! That also means that there is a lot left for you to do in preparation for college. One of the big components of this college process is the financial side - applying for financial aid and scholarships.

You can now officially complete your FAFSA form. (Don't forget the meeting on January 8th to help answer questions about this process.) You and your parents will need a pin number - it is a number that you will NEED and you must keep this for the future as it is the same number for all of your future FAFSA applications (which happens every year of college). To apply for a pin visit this website.

Also, be sure that you are researching and applying for any outside scholarships that you qualify for as this can be a helpful financial resource. And yes, I know that the scholarship applications are often a lot of work and include essays, but if you end up earning one of the scholarships it would be worth it. You can visit the scholarship section on PrepHQ for scholarships that we are aware of at WKHS and you can also do general internet searches using lots of scholarship search engines. Good luck!

Once again, Happy New Year!

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